At Target, Walmart, the dentist office, school parking lot.
Families. Mom, Dad and their children.
Just going about their daily lives. Buying milk, and eggs. Getting a cavity filled. Picking up the kids from school.
They probably think it is nothing special. They may even be frustrated or annoyed when the whole crew insists on traipsing to the Red Box to pick a movie out.
And yet I am extremely jealous. I desperately want to be able to do things as a family. A WHOLE Family.
Has it always been like this and I am just now noticing?
Do families REALLY do so many things together? Not just family fun nights, trips to the park and eating out.
Do they stop off at Pet Co, everyone piling out of the navy blue minivan to buy dog food, pick out a new Betta fish or drop off the dog to be groomed?
Does Mom run into the Quick Trip to pay while Dad pumps gas and the kids hand out of the windows clamoring for his attention?
Do they spend a day off of school shopping, eating lunch, stopping for ice cream on the way home?
That is all I see anymore.
It feels like they are rubbing it in my face.
And my heart aches.
And I am jealous.
I just want to be a family.
All in one place.
Picking out paint samples at Lowes. Shopping for a new dishwasher together.
Oh, Robbie. You just made me cry. I wish there was something I could do. I guess the best way is to not take all of the family time we get for granted and I have really been trying to do that since I stopped working. My husband travels every week just about and that is hard enough on me & the kids. Stay strong & believe that things will come together and you all will be the family that does everything together very soon! xo
It seems to me that whatever it is that I'm wanting most in that moment- THAT is what I notice in others.
I'm sorry you are going through this.
Sending you hugs. I know how it feels. As a single mom sometimes I get that ache...especially seeing a whole happy family. I understand.
This reached down into the deepest part of my heart where the sun never gets to and just squeezed my breath away
I'm sorry...
Yes please appreciate what you do have! If anything I have learned not to take things for granted. Thanks for all your support and positive thoughts :)
Thansk for your support and sending some back to you. I HATE feeling lie I don't belong and I know you can relate.
thank you
Yes... I think when we really want something - we see it everywhere. And - I'm sorry that you are struggling. Kristen
Oh your situation really stinks. I totally feel for you. Even on those days when my husband has pushed me to my limit I know that I am sooooo lucky!
Sending good vibes your way!
thank you.
Thanks for the good vibes and sympathy.
Sometimes it just feels like such a sla in the face.....
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