Thursday, November 8, 2012

What Did I get Myself Into?

Six days ago NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month)sounded like a most excellent idea. I was desperate for motivation and Erica of Yeah Write fame and fortune swooped in with yet another incredible plan for building community. I've missed my Yeah Write cronies desperately and this seemed like a good way to get back in the game.

This writing every day is sucking the life out of me. I am eight days in and ready to throw in the towel. 

Jump ship. 
Fly the coop.
Blow this taco stand. 
Ready to bounce.

It should NOT be this difficult. I have SEVENTY NINE partially written drafts. The ideas are there but I am unable to finish them. They are posts that are so close to my heart and must be perfect before I hit publish. And so they wallow in drafts jail. Several times a day I generate new ideas for a post and even do some mind writing. And yet. And yet they never come to fruition. 

What am I afraid of?

What do you do when you are afraid?

Linking up with Shell


Christine said...

You and I are very different writers. I don't have a single draft saved. If I start writing something, but it never fully matures in a week, I delete it.
As for your many drafts that aren't perfect, just hit publish. If the writing is close to and from your heart, it doesn't have to be perfect. People will appreciate it because it is truly you. Start with one. Hit that publish button on just one of those drafts and see what happens.

Barb said...

Omg, I was so ready to throw in the towel yesterday, and then I remembered something I wanted to write about. Today is a total fluff thing -- a quiz result, ha!

There's a jumble of ideas and a few paragraphs in my head, but I have trouble actually writing them, either on paper or in a draft post. It's like pulling teeth.

Robbie K said...

I just keep thinking I will find the inspiration to finish the draft, ya know? I should clarify that at least 25% of my drafts are a sentence or two...more of an idea that I never really got off the ground. Thanks for your encouragement.

Fritter said...

I usually delete my drafts too... but you must be doing something right my friend as this is the first blog post I have read and commented on in over 2 weeks :) Also--- if it's not perfect, don't let it eat you alive. I think that the freedom to be ourselves and imperfect at times is what draws an audience. I am far, far from perfect, but I am human. Just as are you- and why I love to read my blog twin.

Robbie K said...

I definitely feel like i am writing a lot of fluff. This is harder than I thought. Pulling teeth is a very accurate description.

Diane said...

I'm not taking part in this challenge but I feel lost when I can't find the words for a post I want desperately to write.

Reminds me of that quote by Dorothy Parker..."I hate writing, I love having written."

Unknown said...

Just jump in and write!

Though I've never written every day. Just too much on me- and on my readers, I think! But then there are blogs that post multiple times a day, so obviously, it's just a personal choice.

Bridget said...

Drink and ignore. That's what I do. My desktop is filled with beginnings...I suck!

@dkotucker said...

I'm with ^Bridget^!!! I have a folder filled with drafts too...most one sentences too. I think we had a contest waaaaay back when you and I. :)

Melisa @ just begin from here said...

I am driven by guilt - always - so girl, I hear you. Hang in there.

Jennifer Hall said...

You could accidentally hit publish on something before you think you're ready like I did recently. It worked out just fine!

In all seriousness, this is something NaBloPoMo is good for....just writing stuff and putting out there. Ilike what your first reader said.

The Preppy Girl in Pink said...

Today is the first day I have written since the 19th of October. Between writer's block and having so many things I want to share but can't, I have just had to stay offline. I also know that life just takes up more time than I can handle at times and I just can't get to write when I not only want to but need to. Don't be so hard on yourself...look, you just wrote when you didn't think you could. Miss you! xo

Stacie @ Snaps and Bits said...

It's sucking the life out of me too but - hello? - I don't have 79 drafts! You should go rock those!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great accident to happen. Take the plunge. Go for it! Or taking a writing break and post a picture, a favorite quote, a link to something cool someone else wrote/drew/created/shared. Posting every day is just batting practice. You don't need to hit a home run every time. Good luck!

Dawn Beronilla said...

It can totally be scary to put posts out there. Especially the ones that are so close to your heart. My only advice is the same that I give to my friends who are wondering about making a life altering decision like trying to conceive or switching careers.
There is NEVER going to be a perfect time.

You just need to jump in head first and do it! Hit publish. I bet you'll be glad you did! :-)

Robbie K said...

aww thanks blog twin! :)

It seems you aren't the only one who deletes their drafts. I just feel like if I wait long enough, wait till the right moment etc..I will be inspired.

Robbie K said...

Once again I jumped into something w/o really thinking about the logistics of it all. The group motivation had been helpful and I love being back with Yeah Write peeps..but it is much harder than I thought it would be.

Robbie K said...

It is definitely a lot -for readers and writers! I am hoping it will get me through this writer's block I've been experiencing.

Robbie K said...

That is advice I can embrace!!! :)

Robbie K said...

Great minds thing alike! And yes I remember having a contest back in the day :)

Robbie K said...

Yes! That's it! I feel guilty not finishing something I started...thus the bazillions of drafts.

Robbie K said...

That is not a bad idea! Many of my drafts are just a few sentences but certainly I can find something to accidentally publish.

Robbie K said...

I miss you too! You've had a TON going on --what with that little natural disaster and all. I can relate to having so much you want to share but not being able to put it out there -whatever the reason may be.

Robbie K said...

I should....but many are just a couple of lame sentences..maybe I should do a blog post combining all my lame ass drafts?

Robbie K said...

You're right never a perfect time--and it will never be perfect writing. Should take a page from Nike and Just Publish.