-To join another link-up
-To have no clue who Rick Perry is (is he Steve Perry's twin brother who can't sing?)
-To get up at 5:30 to exercise & then come home and eat an everything bagel schmeared with cream cheese
-To fantasize about taking a nap before I even get out of bed in the morning
-To sport my fuzzy pink pig slippers even though I am a fortysomething mom of 3
-To us my daughter's Girl Scout Cookie credits to buy her some Christmas gifts
-To be disgusted by all things pumpkin flavored or pumpkin scented
-To dump the laundry on the love seat and plan to fold it "later"
Lol I dump my laundry on my futon. Eventually it will get folded up.
Love the one about exercising then eating the loaded bagel. A friend and I used to go to Weight Watchers for the weigh in and then go have lunch at the Chinese buffet nextdoor!
My laundry is still sitting in the laundry room and that blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese I had this morning was delicious! :)
I just keep the laundry in the dryer and hit refresh about 20 times a day until I actually make myself fold it. Why does laundry have to be such a time suck even when I am not washing it by hand or drying it on a line in the yard?!
Rick Perry wants to become president. I doubt he'll do it since he totally had a brain fart during a debate..
I can't say much as I get a lot of brain farts.
Hee! Love this!
Although we have to agree to disagree about all things pumpkin! :)
Glad the laundry one is okay- I do that all the time!
@Rochelle glad I am not the only one!
@ Stacy I can picture post weigh in lunch at the buffet...my bff and i would probably be poking fun at everyone and piling on our plates!
hmm might have to add strawberry cream cheese to my menu. I am totally jealous of your laundry room. I just have an area. I am sure I would be a laundry queen if I had an ENTIRE room devoted to it. Umm ok probably not.
@Kristin I would forget about mine if I didn't take it out. It has to be staring me in the face in order for me to remember. I have been known to rewash a laod b/c I lfet it in dryer too long and it got all wrinkly...much easier than ironing!
I should probably read up on current events..but there are too many distractions for me...reading blogsm twitter, facebook, pinterest....
@ Galit I eat a lot of weird things but am a picky eater if that makes sense. In addition to pumpkin I am NOT a fan of blueberry or banana flavored anything.
How long does your laundry stay there?
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