I'm doing some educational outreach today and sharing some signs that YOU may have reached "THAT AGE" as well.
Sign #1: Let's just say
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exact replica of mine except it blue |
(hey at least I gave up the Walkman)
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A bit more challenging to shove between the fun bags |
Sign #2: I You yelled at a kid I you didn't know who was throwing rocks and dirt clumps passive-aggressively NEAR the other kids at the park. My Your son knew him as did most of the other kids at the neighborhood playground.
"Hey, stop throwing rocks! That is NOT cool" I you yell as I you hoist yourself off the bench and hobble towards him.
I You figure that is the equivalent of "hey you kids get off my lawn!"
"Hey, stop throwing rocks! That is NOT cool"
Sign #3 I You had just pulled into a parking space for school pick up. I You are opening the door for StinkBug your kid and chatting on the phone with Big Yankee your husband. Suddenly I you fly into full blown panic because I you could NOT find my your phone. Yes the one I you are talking on. I You dump out my your purse, push around a shit ton of random objects and even search under the seats. "Honey, I'm gonna have to call you back later. I can't find my phone!" Yes the one I you are talking on.
Sign #4 I You take your daughter's Brownie troop on a field trip to the local library. During a behind the scenes tour the group encounters one of these:
The girls bombard me you with questions. I You explain that it is a typewriter and I you got one exactly like it for high school graduation and everyone in my your dorm was always asking to borrow it because it had so many bells and whistles.
Come on over to yeahwrite#48 to read some fantastic and vote for your favorites!
OMG...LMAO!!! I can totally relate to ALL of these...well, except for the phone one as I have yet to master the speakerphone or blue-whatever. *sigh*
I think I even still have one of those portable "manual keyboard thingies" downstairs too!
Thanks for the laugh out loud...really!
Hahahaha! Welcome to "That Age", Robbie. I've been here for the past 5yrs ... at least. :)
I remember electric typewriters! Hang on, I remember manual ones too...
Ha! Pour some sugar on me...man, that brings back memories.
My daughter had a technology show and tell day in their class and people brought their various things representing technology. Someone brought a typewriter and she didn't know to call it that when she explained it to me later that day. After I figured it out and told her it was a typewriter, I overheard her talking to her younger brother. "Today, I learned about an ancient tool. It's called...the typewriter."
Thanks for the trip down memory lane.:)
Ha! I love this post. Mostly because I'm sitting here sporting a nice pair of Target track pants right now. I caught myself saying "back in my day" to my kids the other day. Then I needed wine.
I just had a long and drawn out discussion about tape players and VCRs. I'm that age evidently!
That looks a lot like the typewriter I used in college! I'm pretty sure I'm reached that age too or darn close. I have to say I haven't "lost" my phone while talking on it yet but I have torn the place apart looking for my sunglasses that were right on top of my head. Many times. And once I looked in the rear view mirror at myself and noticed I was not only wearing a pair but that I had another pair on top of my head at the same time!
Hah my sister still has a walkman. No joke.
Yep...I've reached "that age" myself : ) Thanks for the laugh!
I am constantly losing stuff that I'm holding. And panic - yes, total panic!
Losing the phone while using it is just a more high-tech version of looking for your glasses while they're on your head; be proud, woman!
Target track pants rule the world.
~The G is Silent
blue tooth...oh hell no! I won't even consider it! Glad you lol!
at least there are some cool people on the dark side..aka "that age"
I remember manual ones too!
Ancient tool...hysterical! StinkBug is 5 and likes to tell people "Mommy NEVER had a computer at her house..not till after college!"
I live in my Target track pants. i probably need an intervention...and some wine. Yes I need wine!
lol true...age doesn't matter. At the gym I noticed a few jr high boys noticed what I was doing so naturally I text my bff and said "I either made their day or scarred them for life."
We STILL have VHS tapes but our player doesn't work anymore. I'm having a ahrd time parting with them..
lol @ the sunglasses! I recently started wearing glasses all the time and lucky for me my 5 yr old is very good at keeping track of them for me. If it were up to me i would have lost both pair already!
I got a Walkman for Christmas one year. I RULED!
Yeah another "that ager"!
Once my neighbor panicked b/c she couldn't find her son (who she was holding on her hip). We were runnign around our yards yelling for him. I realized she was holding a kid but her boys were so close in age and I didn't know them that well so I thought we were looking for the other.
Ok I will hold my head up high :)
love the Target track pant love I'm feeling here! Maybe we can start a club?
Robbie, I totally owned a Walkman.
(:- You gotta get an iPod! Although ironically I had a walkman and first cassette tape was Rocky and I now have Eye of the Tiger on my running mix!
I'm almost "of that age" but I've been misplacing my cell phone and feeling nostalgic for years! And I've been known to stuff things in my underwear when I find myself sans pockets. ;) Great post!
This was hilarious!! So true!!!
I'm "only" 31 and my high school was so shit, we used typewriters in Info Tech - this was the mid-'90s! We had Tip-Ex on our stationery requisition form!
oh dear god is this funny. the thing is, i'm 39 with a 2 year old and actually physically cringe when i think about her teen years and the stuff she will be COMPLETELY CLUELESS about (typewriter, b/w non-remote-controlled TV, etc etc ETC). :D
Loved this so much. I am already the "get off my lawn" kind of mom. But I'm not gonna lie to you, I feel really sorry for you having to write college papers on a typewriter. ;)
Oh dear. I am that age. Ugh.
Eye of the Tiger just cracked me up. I am "of that age" and I'm amazed that kids don't know what a typewriter is. That really makes you feel "of that age." Very funny post!
I miss my walkman :) And I want my MTV :)
Pour Some Sugar On Me=Freaking Perfection. Oldies rule. Youngsters drool. So what if we are creaky & remember having to get up from the sofa (gasp!) to change the channel?
You know, I've been at the gym a million times, and seen (not, you know, like I was looking or anything...) several women put their mp3 players into their bras, and man, was I jealous. Here I am, fatly sweating all over the elliptical machine while awkwardly trying to hold my NIN playing player (what? Crappy 90s industrial is the very best workout music ever). It sucks!
I totally need a sports mansiere.
I have been the one to correct children I don't know forever!! I think it's the teacher in me. :-) Very funny post!
I can totally relate. Hilarious!
For me it's about my keys or sunglasses. Not that I'm talking on them, but that I'm holding them or wearing them while looking for them.
Getting older is freeing, isn't it?
My kids have been schooled in the finer points of music and they all love Pour Some Sugar. Also my 5 yr old sings Bon Jovi like a boss!
Your lifetime membership to the COOL Club will be arriving shortly!
an Ipod? I don't even know how to download music to my mp3 player! :)
I've always been a bra stuffer an dam lmao at the underwear stuffing!
Glad you were amused. Now be honest,are you showing signs of "that age"?
WHAT???? Typewriters at your young, sassy age?
It is insane to think about isn't it?? My kids cannot comprehend life without computers and cell phones..and they are 5, 8 & 10!
The typewriter thing has some challenges...like when you ran out of ribbon or paper and it was 4 am and your paper was due at 8. this is also BEFORE 24 hour Walmart existed.
Never fear..some hilarious fold over here on the dark side. :)
Who doesn't love Eye of the Tiger? Also I had it on a record...a 45? the small round black discs?? Yeah those.
My parents probably saved mine. I remember when MTV was videos!
lol..would love to see that mansiere. Also thank you for admitting your jealousy.
Yes you can take the teacher out of the classroom but you can't take the teacher voice/behaviors away.
So glad you can relate...means it's not so lonely at "that age"
Yes definitely freeing! I am a chronic key loser.
#3 was most definitely my favorite. Thankfully I haven't come to that age yet. I'm at the age where I've locked my boyfriend IN the house so many times he's taken to standing at the door while I do it and then banging on the window like some kind of fool. And then I stand there, with the key in my hand, asking what the hell is wrong with him.
And be careful about sticking electronics between your boobolas. Iused to put my ipod there all the time and then one day, the boobsweat was too much and there was no hope for a revival. I even posted about it.
Found you at finding the funny.
This still makes me giggle! Ellen
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