1. I won a bikini contest when I was 23.
2. I love painting.
3. I DESPISE shoes and go barefoot every chance I get.
4. I love going to the shooting range. It really helps me unwind.
5. I placed second in a high school feature writing contest in Dallas.
6. I knowingly dated a married man.
7. I've lived in eight states.
8. Josh Hopkins who stars as Courtney Cox's love interest on Cougar Town is one of my ex-boyfriends.

9. I've never testified in a court case.
10. I am obsessed with organization. My calender is color coded.
Can you pick out the truth?
I think you won a bikini contest :)
bikini contest
Pretty sure there could be more than 1 truth here but I am going with number 10. Wait. Maybe that's me. Haha!
Ooo...let it be number 8!
My word, all of you writing these liar lists are cracking me up! How do you come up with such creative untruths? I'm going to say...#7.
Number 9? The pressure....AHHHH I really want it to be number 10 so i don't feel like such a freak. :D
I am flattered and will be revealing truths very soon!
Flattered X2. Stay tuned for the truth reveal.
I have 3 calenders but you will have to return for the great truth reveal.
Eye candy at its best! Stat tuned for the truth reveal :)
It was harder than I thought! :)
Stay tuned for the truth.
It's not easy is it? Stay tuned for the truth.
Number 5. Josh Hopkins is HOT! Slamming picture you put of him. I also think maybe the writing contest win in Dallas!
He is an impressive slice of man isn't he? Good guesses...stay tuned.
hehe these are awesome! i'm going with #3
I want to go with #10, but I'm going with #5.
I opt for number 5.
Oh these are good! I am going with 10. :)
Thanks! Be sure and check back in for the big reveal!
So it was a tough decision? The Trueht shall set me free..stay tuned.
Logged your guess :)
all righty...you vote has been cast. Stay tuned for the truth reveal.
I vote for number 11
I vote number 8...if it's not, it SHOULD be ;)
He is quite impressive isn't he?
Tell us!! Tell us!!!
Also -this is brilliant! And you're super brave to post this ;)
No. 8! No. 8! No. 8!
Soon! Very soon! It as a Monday Listicle topic. Loads of fun.. you should check out Stasha @ Northwestmommy if you haven't already.
Who wouldn't like #8? Screaming thigh sweats anyone?
wow. am entranced by this list! frankly I read through this list and think you're a spy!
ooooh a spy. I'd confirm your allegations but then I'd have to.......
I want it to be #8 so bad. Awesome list!!
I think it's #5. But wanna hear something funny? I misread it and thought they were all true but ONE and we had to pick out the false one. So I was basically freaking out reading this.
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