I celebrated my birthday recently three weeks ago and have been pouring blood, sweat and tears (or was it wine, nachos and beers?) into creating a list of things to do before my next birthday.
It is a hell of a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am not a jumping our of airplanes, traveling the world kinda gal-at least not at this stage in my life. I wanted simple things that don't require much time or money. Ideally this list will grow to FORTY THREE to represent each year of my life. I will periodically update ya'll on my progress and please feel free to offer me more suggestions!
To get me started I am following Bill's wonderful advice that "it should challenge you, make you feel braver and make you feel happier."
1. Send 43 cards and/or letters to friends & family
**mass mailing holiday cards does NOT count!
2. Get family pictures taken in an outdoor location
**It's been more than five years since we had a family picture.
3. Write down my award winning chili recipe
4. Donate my hair to Locks of Love
5. Read 43 books and keep a list of them
6. Write a letter to someone who has made a difference in my life
7. Donate blood
8. Attempt to grow tomatoes
9. Take a trip to Oregon
10. Lose 10 pounds by Christmas
11. Donate 43 items to charity
12. Make a new friend
13. Get my first ever facial
14. Volunteer 43 hours in my community
15. Buy a big girl camera
16. Guest post at least once
17. Add 26 more things to this list
18. Add 25 more things to my bucket list
It is a hell of a lot harder than I thought it would be. I am not a jumping our of airplanes, traveling the world kinda gal-at least not at this stage in my life. I wanted simple things that don't require much time or money. Ideally this list will grow to FORTY THREE to represent each year of my life. I will periodically update ya'll on my progress and please feel free to offer me more suggestions!
To get me started I am following Bill's wonderful advice that "it should challenge you, make you feel braver and make you feel happier."
1. Send 43 cards and/or letters to friends & family
**mass mailing holiday cards does NOT count!
2. Get family pictures taken in an outdoor location
**It's been more than five years since we had a family picture.
3. Write down my award winning chili recipe
4. Donate my hair to Locks of Love
5. Read 43 books and keep a list of them
6. Write a letter to someone who has made a difference in my life
7. Donate blood
8. Attempt to grow tomatoes
9. Take a trip to Oregon
10. Lose 10 pounds by Christmas
11. Donate 43 items to charity
12. Make a new friend
13. Get my first ever facial
14. Volunteer 43 hours in my community
15. Buy a big girl camera
16. Guest post at least once
17. Add 26 more things to this list
18. Add 25 more things to my bucket list

I like the projects you've listed so far. Are you planning on blogging about the tasks or will you do a recap? Or none of the above :)
I am planning on blogging about them--or at least some of them.
I love that donating blood is on your list!!!
Thanks! I use to donate ALL the time in college but I'm sure I was partially motivated by a free t-shirt & positive peer pressure.
I think #2 is so important! Family photos!
My sister just jumped out of a plane for her 35th. The video was pretty insane. Can't say I'd do the same, but she loved it.
Wine, nachos, and beers, lol!
I am nearing the end of my 101 things project, and I know I will miss it when it's gone, but I am not planning on starting a new one. Maybe I could start a smaller, birthday-related project? Good luck with your cool list. I liked Bill's advice. (And I am waiting to get my hands on your chili recipe.)
Tamara if you and your camera lived closer I would be begging you to take our family photos!
Marcy I'd love to see your 101 things project & maybe swipe a few ideas!
I said "oh darn" to #1. My 43rd b-day is in December. That is actually a good idea though.
I have a big girl camera and still use my iPhone ;-)
What a great idea! I LOVE this!!! And your list...awesome stuff! I can even help you out with one of them...would love to have you guest post on my blog! :D
Here's my project list, Robbie. Swipe away if any of them turn out to work for you: http://www.tootimidandsqueamish.com/101-things-in-1001-days/
Aww Diane thanks for helping me check things off my list! I would LOVE to guest post!
Marcy Thanks for sharing your list! It is the most creative one I have seen! I can't wait to add some of them to my list!
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