Monday, February 20, 2012

Toxic People

Family drama reared it's ugly head this weekend and reeling from the roller coaster of emotions-anger, shock, sadness, distrust, confusion, disgust. I am at a loss and I need to protect my family from this toxicity. And I don't even care if toxicity isn't real word because I am pissed and entitled to make up new words. I don't know if this damage can be repaired and I have a feeling it going to get worse...if that is even possible. I really feel like this is a game changer for me and I am not really sure where to go from here.

Do you have family members who you have cut ties with? Or people who you severely limit communication and interaction with to preserve your family? How do you manage family drama?


Diane said...

I haven't cut ties with anyone but there are quite a few I only tolerate to keep the peace. do not do drama. Period.

Hope things smooth out for you soon.

Diane said...

I don't know where my 'I' went there but that was supposed to say "I do not do drama."

Kerstin said...

Reading your post took me back to sooo many ugly family drama sessions. It took me 40 years, but I am now comfortable shutting out any negativity and toxicity (pretty sure that's a word and if not - thank you for making it up, I like it).
We moved to Canada four years ago (from Germany) and even though the ongoing family drama was not the reason, our immigration has been nothing but good, including the reduction of family drama...
I refuse to be guilted into doing something that I don't think is good for my children, husband and myself, just because a family member wants me to. I refuse to be judged for the life I self-sufficiently live and I will do what feels right for me an my family.

Carrie - said...

I don't really have any family drama. But don't ask my family that same question. Cause well, "I'M" probably their family drama.

Not really. I don't think.

And make up all the words you want. That's one of my favorite things to do. I got an upcoming post on just that.

Make'em up and scream'em out!

Robbie K said...

Thanks...I feel like I have been extremely tolerant and I am still trying to figure out how it blew up in MY face, KWIM?

Robbie K said...

Very well said. Thanks :)

Robbie K said...

I definitely like the screaming part! Thank you for always having excellent advice for me :)

Kristen said...

Ok girl. I WANT to cut ties with someone of my immediate family. I've cut them as far as the rest of our family will let us - but we are talking IMMEDIATE family - so it is hard. But they are asses. :) And that just made me feel better writing it.